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TICA 閉幕音樂會TICA Gala Concert.jpg

Toolbox International Creative Academy, TICA is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. TICA provides an assortment of programmes aiming to achieve professional apprenticeship and avail deep-learning occasions for practicing musicians with industrial veterans. Exploring innovative techniques on strings and percussion set the tone of this series, forging incubation and professional furtherance as well as connecting every you and me in the name of music.

TICA 2023

​學院日程 festival calendar

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Toolbox Percussion International Composition Competition (TPICC) as a part of the Toolbox International Creative Academy (TICA). TPICC is an annual competition for emerging composers across the globe who share our vision to create percussive arts practices with creativity, originality and potentials. It is a gateway to a six-month fellowship programme with our faculty of renowned composers.

tica 2023 HIGHLIGHTS

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